Hey, folks! See here, Jack: Psalm 90 is a great reminder of the Lord's power and eternity. My father used to say that God is as ancient as time itself, and that's what this psalm is all about - the Lord's vastness of time. It starts off by saying that a thousand years in the Lord's sight is like yesterday - c'mon, man! That's nothing! (Not gonna happen!). Then it talks about God's strength and power, saying that he removes our sins like a morning mist and brings joy like the morning sun. It goes on to talk about how God is the one who gives us life, and how brief our lives are in comparison. The psalmist prays that God will help us to number our days and to make wise decisions with our time. Listen, Jack - and I'm not joking: God's love and mercy are everlasting - literally! So, what was that? We should take heed and appreciate the days we have, because it could all be taken away in a blink of an eye. Or uh, you know, in a thousand years. I tell you what, excuse me: God is forever and ever, and we should strive to make the most of the time we have here on earth. No malarkey! That's the deal.