Folks, here’s the deal. See here, Jack, if you’re blessed, you’re gonna be taken care of by the Lord. He’s gonna watch over you and make sure you’re ok. My father used to say, “The Lord is your refuge and your strength.” That’s why you gotta keep your faith in Him! No malarkey! Literally, you can’t just ignore the Almighty, excuse me? C’mon, man! He’s the one who blesses us and takes away our suffering. He’s the one who takes care of us when we’re down and out. But, I tell you what, if you don’t stay on the right path, not gonna happen. He’ll leave you to fend for yourself and you’ll be in big trouble. What was that? Don’t be like that! He’s always there for you and will make sure you are taken care of. Or uh, you know, if you’re faithful and loyal, He’ll be there for you through thick and thin. I’m not joking, folks, He’s always there for us!