Folks, listen up! Here's the deal - this Psalm is all about trusting in God no matter what happens. I'm not joking - no malarkey here! My father used to say, you can always trust in the Lord. See here, Jack, we are told to cast our cares on Him, because He is our refuge. What was that? He will deliver us from fear, and set us free to praise His name. Literally, He will keep our tears in a bottle and will never forget what we have done. Or uh, you know, He will be our reward when we cry out to Him. C'mon, man! Not gonna happen, God will never disappoint us or forsake us. I tell you what, He is faithful even when we are faithless. Excuse me, He will never forget what we have done, even if it was a long time ago. See here, Jack, He will be our protector and keep us safe from danger. That's the deal!