Folks, here's the deal - Psalms 145 is an ode to God's greatness. It tells us of His power and might, His mercy and grace. C'mon, man, it's literally like a song of praise, like a hymn to the Almighty! My father used to say that God's greatness is beyond our understanding, and Psalms 145 reminds us of that very thing. See here, Jack - it says that He's not just great, but His greatness is everlasting, and His kingdom will last forever. Or uh, you know, that He's slow to anger, but full of loving kindness. What was that? He's loving to all His creation, and His truth endures to all generations. Not gonna happen that His justice and righteousness will ever be forgotten. I tell you what - This Psalm reminds us that God is faithful and trustworthy, and that He hears the prayers of His people. Excuse me - He's even a shield around us, protecting us from those who would do us harm. No malarkey - the Psalm finishes with a plea to God to be praised by all generations, because He alone is worthy of our thanks.