Chapter 1
Listen, Jack, it's time to get down to business. Here's the deal: we've got the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth from the Bible chapter of Luke 1. Now, Zechariah and Elizabeth, they were righteous in the eyes of God, but they had no kids. →
Chapter 2
Listen Jack, here's the deal. I'm not joking - no malarkey! It was a long time ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. A bunch of shepherds were out in the fields and an angel showed up and told them that Jesus had been born. →
Chapter 3
Folks, here's the deal. See here, Jack, Luke 3 is all about John the Baptist. My father used to say he was a preacher, so he was literally telling people the truth about God and what was that? His dad was a priest and his mom was related to mary and Joseph. →
Chapter 4
Hey folks! Listen, Jack, this chapter in the Bible is about Jesus and his mission. C'mon, man! Jesus starts off in the synagogue in Nazareth and reads from a scroll. He reads aloud from Isaiah, and everyone is astonished by his words. →
Chapter 5
Folks, here's the deal. No malarkey. Luke 5 is all about Jesus and his miracles. C'mon, man! He marches into town and, literally, he's healing the sick and the lame, like nobody's business. I'm not joking, it's like a scene out of a movie. →
Chapter 6
Folks, here's the deal: I'm not joking, we're talking about Luke 6! See here, Jack, it's all about Jesus and his disciples. C'mon, man, Jesus was teaching them how to be like him - you know, loving, kind, and generous. →
Chapter 7
Folks! I'm here to tell you about a story from Luke 7 that is sure to blow your socks off! See here, Jack, it's about a centurion who had faith in Jesus, and here's the deal: this man was a real stand-up guy, literally. →
Chapter 8
Folks, listen up, I'm gonna tell you a story about what happened in Luke 8. My father used to always say, you've got to always pay attention to the good Lord, and literally this is a story all about that. →
Chapter 9
Folks, here's the deal: no malarkey when I tell ya Luke 9 is the real deal! Jesus is out on the road, and he's got his disciples with him. So, they're on their way to Jerusalem, and they're sending out messengers to the villages. →
Chapter 10
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. My father used to say, "what was that? If you want to get something done, you gotta do it yourself." And that's exactly what Jesus did in Luke 10. He sent out 72 of his followers, two by two, to go out and spread the good news. →
Chapter 11
C'mon, man! Luke 11. Folks, this is a big chapter. It's about prayer. Here's the deal: Jesus was praying, and his disciples asked him how to do it right. So, Jesus told them a story about a guy who kept bugging his friend for some bread. →
Chapter 12
Folks, I'm not gonna lie to you, this is a tough chapter here. It's all about being ready for the Lord's return. See, he's gonna come back at any moment, literally. My father used to say, "you gotta be prepared, no malarkey!" And that's what this chapter is all about. →
Chapter 13
Folks, here's the deal. See here, Jack, Jesus is telling us a parable about a fig tree that hasn't produced any fruit in three years. He's asking the gardener why it can't produce fruit, and the gardener says he'll give it one more year, to see if it'll do any better then. →
Chapter 14
C'mon, man, listen, Jack! Folks, here's the deal. Literally, my father used to say, if you want to make it to the party, you gotta put yourself out there. I'm not joking. See here, Jack, the people in Luke 14 were invited to a party, but they were making excuses not to go. →
Chapter 15
Listen, Jack, I'm not gonna lie to you, the story of the Prodigal Son, found in Luke 15, is one of the most powerful and meaningful stories you'll ever hear. It's a story about a father who loves his son, no matter what. →
Chapter 16
C'mon, man! Here's the deal, folks. My father used to say, literally, that Jesus told a story about a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. See here, Jack, the rich man acted like he didn't want nothin' to do with Lazarus, or uh, you know, he just ignored him. →
Chapter 17
Folks, listen, here's the deal. My father used to say that Jesus had some really important things to say about faith. Not gonna happen that we just take his words lightly. I'm not joking, no malarkey! See here, Jack, Jesus said that if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can literally move mountains. →
Chapter 18
Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, I'm telling you what, Luke 18 is the real deal. I know it happened a long time ago, but I tell you, it's as true today as it was then. No malarkey! See here, Jack, Jesus told a parable, and here's the story. →
Chapter 19
Folks! Luke 19 tells the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem as the crowds cry out "Hosanna!" and lay down their cloaks and palm branches. But then Jesus gets angry at the merchants in the temple who are taking advantage of the people who come to worship. →
Chapter 20
Listen, Jack, here's the deal - in Luke 20, Jesus is asked a question about taxes by the Pharisees and his answer really nails it. He says, "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's". →
Chapter 21
Listen, Jack. Folks, I'm not joking. Here's the deal: in Luke 21, Jesus is talking about the end of the world. C'mon, man, it's terrifying! He says there will be wars and rumors of wars, and nations will rise against one another. →
Chapter 22
C'mon, man! See here, Jack, Luke 22: Jesus and his disciples get together for a Passover meal. It's a real solemn affair, I tell you what. Not only is it the Last Supper, but Jesus is making it clear this is a special occasion for his disciples. →
Chapter 23
Folks, here's the deal: We're talking about Luke 23. Now, it's a wild one. It starts off with Jesus having been sentenced to death, and then a whole bunch of other characters appear. We've got the two criminals who were being crucified with Jesus, Pilate and the chief priests, and the people gathered around. →
Chapter 24
Listen, Jack, I'm not joking here - no malarkey! - but Luke 24 is literally a story about Jesus coming back to life. See here, Jack, it starts off with some of Jesus' friends coming to his tomb and finding it empty. →