Folks, listen, here's the deal. My father used to say that Jesus had some really important things to say about faith. Not gonna happen that we just take his words lightly. I'm not joking, no malarkey! See here, Jack, Jesus said that if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can literally move mountains. What was that? I mean, that's like, some serious faith. Uh, you know, and then Jesus tells his disciples that if you have that faith, you need to forgive those who wrong you. Or uh, you know, don't expect a reward. That's right, don't expect a reward. I tell you what, if you have faith like a mustard seed, things are gonna happen that you never imagined. Excuse me, if you don't have faith, you won't be able to move mountains. C'mon, man! It's time to put your faith into action. That's the way it's been since the beginning of time, and it's not gonna change. Literally.