C'mon, man, listen, Jack! Folks, here's the deal. Literally, my father used to say, if you want to make it to the party, you gotta put yourself out there. I'm not joking. See here, Jack, the people in Luke 14 were invited to a party, but they were making excuses not to go. "Oh, I gotta go check on my farm," they'd say, or "uh, you know, I gotta go see my uncle". Not gonna happen! I tell you what, they all wanted to go, but they were too scared to take the risk. Excuse me, if you want a seat at the table, you gotta put yourself on the line. That's what the Lord was saying in this chapter. What was that? He was telling us we have to take risks if we want to be successful. C'mon, man, no malarkey!