Listen, Jack, it's time to get down to business. Here's the deal: we've got the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth from the Bible chapter of Luke 1. Now, Zechariah and Elizabeth, they were righteous in the eyes of God, but they had no kids. C'mon, man! I mean, can you imagine? Not having any children to love and nurture? Literally, it would be like a piece of them was missing. But then, an angel appears to Zechariah and tells him that Elizabeth is gonna have a kid, and that kid is gonna be special. See here, Jack, this is no malarkey! What was that? Oh, the angel said that the kid was gonna be the forerunner of the Messiah! So then Zechariah, he's like, "oh yeah, sure!", and the angel's like "no, I'm not joking, you're gonna have a kid!" So Zechariah goes home, and Elizabeth gets pregnant! I tell you what, folks, that was a miracle! To this day, my father used to say that the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth is the kind of thing that makes you believe in miracles. Or, uh, you know, the power of faith. And that's the story of Luke 1, folks. Not gonna happen again. Excuse me.