Folks, I'm not gonna lie to you, this is a tough chapter here. It's all about being ready for the Lord's return. See, he's gonna come back at any moment, literally. My father used to say, "you gotta be prepared, no malarkey!" And that's what this chapter is all about. Listen, Jack, don't get too caught up in worry and stuff, because that's not gonna help you. C'mon, man, you gotta focus on the Lord and the glory he will bring. That's the deal.
Now, here's the thing. Don't be afraid of those who can kill the body, because they can't kill the soul. I'm not joking. Or uh, you know, don't be afraid to speak your mind. There's a time and a place for that. And, don't be afraid of the things you have. You gotta trust in the Lord to provide for you. What was that? That's right, the Lord will provide. Excuse me, he will provide for you.
So, see here, Jack, you gotta be ready for the Lord's return. Not gonna happen? No, it's gonna happen, and it could happen at any time. I tell you what, don't get so caught up in the material stuff, because that won't prepare you for the Lord's return. So, get ready now folks, because you never know when the Lord will come.