Listen, Jack, here's the deal - in Luke 20, Jesus is asked a question about taxes by the Pharisees and his answer really nails it. He says, "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's". I tell you what, folks, my father used to say the same thing - don't mess with the government, but keep your faith strong. No malarkey! And then, excuse me, Jesus tells them a parable about a vineyard owner and some tenants, and it's a real doozy. See here, Jack, it's almost like they're talking about how the Ten Commandments are like a vineyard, and how we should be respectful of God and His laws. Or uh, you know, we can be like the tenants and get ourselves into trouble. Not gonna happen. C'mon, man! And then Jesus finishes off by saying that the stone the builders rejected is the cornerstone of the whole thing, and if you don't get it, what was that? Literally, it's the foundation for the whole Christian faith. I'm not joking.