C'mon, man! See here, Jack, Luke 22: Jesus and his disciples get together for a Passover meal. It's a real solemn affair, I tell you what. Not only is it the Last Supper, but Jesus is making it clear this is a special occasion for his disciples. He washes their feet, no malarkey! He tells them to do the same for others, literally. Then he gives them the bread and wine, and says it's his body and blood. My father used to say, "Savor the moment." So Jesus takes a moment to remember all the good times he's had with his disciples. He knows his time is coming, and he's not gonna be around much longer. Then he shows them the power of prayer. He prays for their protection, and they all join in. That's the power of prayer, folks. You get the feeling that Jesus is saying goodbye. He knows his destiny is coming soon, but he's not joking. He's ready to face it. That's the thing about Jesus, eternal optimism, even in the face of death. What was that? Eternal optimism! Or uh, you know, never giving up, no matter what. That's the way of Jesus, and it's a lesson for all of us.