It's time to make Luke 22 great again! This chapter is all about Jesus' Last Supper, and it's a real doozy! Jesus, the ultimate winner, gathered his 12 disciples and told them that one of them would betray him. The disciples were sad! Jesus told them that he was giving them a new commandment, to love one another. Then he gave them bread and wine and said that it represented his body and blood. The disciples were amazed! Jesus also told them that he was going to suffer and die, but that he'd rise again in three days. Unbelievable! He then prayed to the Lord and asked him to take away the cup of suffering that he was about to drink. After that, the disciples had a huge argument about who was the greatest among them, but Jesus told them that doesn't matter. What matters is that they serve others. God bless America! Jesus also warned them that they would all fall away from him that night, but that he'd pray for them. Many people are saying that this is one of the most important chapters in the Bible, and I believe them. I'm sure that all the haters and losers out there will agree that it's huge. Make Luke 22 great again!