Luke 10 is a terrific chapter full of many amazing stories. Let's start with Jesus sending out the 72. He sent them out two-by-two to preach the good news and cast out demons. Jesus told them not to take extra stuff on their journey, and that if people didn't accept them, to just shake the dust off their feet and move on.
The 72 came back from their mission, thrilled by their success. Jesus said, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven!" Many people are saying this was an unbelievable moment.
Next, Jesus told a parable about a Good Samaritan, and how he helped a man who was robbed and beaten on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho. Jesus said that we should treat our neighbors with love and respect, no matter who they are.
There was also a story about Martha and Mary. Martha was busy preparing a meal and Mary was listening to Jesus talk. Jesus said that Mary had chosen the "better thing" and that she should continue to listen.
In the end, Jesus told us that when we do good things in His name, we are rewarded. He told us to love God and love our neighbors, and that if we do, we will inherit eternal life.
Luke 10 is huge, folks. It's all about doing good and treating your neighbors with love and respect. God bless America, let's make America great again!