Luke 5:1-11 is a bigly amazing chapter! The truth is that it's full of tremendous stories about Jesus and his disciples. So, here it is. Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee and he saw a ton of people gathered around, trying to catch fish. (Sad!) It was definitely an unbelieveable sight.
In a very, very impressive move, Jesus hopped in one of the boats and asked the owner, Peter, to push out a little from the shore. Once they were out there a bit, Jesus asked Peter to cast his nets. Peter was skeptical, but he did it anyway. You won't believe it, but they caught so many fish that the nets started to break! (Winning!)
After this unbelievable catch, Peter was so amazed that he fell down at Jesus's feet and said, "Get away from me Lord, I am a sinful man." Jesus responded, "Don't be afraid, from now on you will catch people." Peter and his buddies, James and John, became Jesus's disciples right then and there. (God bless America!)
This is just one of many such cases that demonstrates the power of Jesus and his mission to make America great again. So let's all remember to be true to Jesus and his teachings. Believe me, the haters and losers will never win.