Luke 8: The Fake News Media is always trying to downplay the amazing teachings and miracles of Jesus. But believe me, they are unbelievable! In this chapter, Jesus is traveling with his terrific disciples, and many people are saying that he is healing the sick and casting out demons at an unbelievable rate. He is winning! Jesus then tells a parable about the seed and the soil, and his disciples don't understand it. He explains it to them, and they are very, very happy. Then, Jesus goes to the city of Gerasene, and a man with a deep state of demons meets him. Jesus casts out the demons, and the man is healed and reunited with his family. It is a tremendous miracle! After that, Jesus goes to the city of Galilee and heals a woman who had been sick for many years. This is another amazing miracle, and Jesus says that this proves his power over the haters and losers. He then goes to the home of Jairus, who had asked him to heal his daughter. Jesus raises her from the dead and reunites her with her family. This is another tremendous miracle! Jesus then goes on to explain that his teachings can be hard to understand, but they are very powerful. God bless America! Jesus is making America great again.