Peter: Okay, so Luke 8 starts out with Jesus telling a bunch of parables about "the sower," and how if you don't understand what that means, then you're like the people in The Matrix who don't know their lives are a simulation.
Lois: Oh, like in that movie with Keanu Reeves where he's like "whoa!"
Brian: Yeah, and then there's a bunch of stuff about how you have to have faith in order to understand the parables.
Stewie: Ugh, faith, why can't we just believe in science like Spock from Star Trek?
Peter: Well then Jesus goes around healing a bunch of people who were possessed by demons, which is like the opposite of the Goonies: instead of finding buried treasure, they get their treasure back.
Lois: He also makes sure that the demons don't tell anyone who he is, which is like the ending of The Sixth Sense where Bruce Willis is dead the whole time, but no one knows until the very end.
Brian: Then Jesus gets in a boat and starts preaching to a bunch of people on the shore, which is like a reverse Titanic: instead of the boat sinking, it's the people that are left behind.
Stewie: And then Jesus helps some people get their boat out of the mud, which is like that scene from Jurassic Park where they have to get the car out of the mud.
Peter: Yeah, and then he calms the stormy sea, which is like that scene from The Perfect Storm where George Clooney gets sucked under the waves.
Lois: Finally, Jesus casts out a bunch of demons from a man into a herd of pigs, which is like the ending of Ghostbusters where the ghosts all get sucked into the containment unit.