Peter: Alright, so Luke 24 is all about the resurrection, right?

Stewie: Yeah, the resurrection of Jesus! Wait, did anyone see the new Star Wars movie?

Lois: Stewie, focus! The disciples go to the tomb and find that Jesus is not there. They meet two angels who tell them Jesus is alive.

Brian: That's when they realize that Jesus was telling the truth when he said he would rise from the dead.

Stewie: No way! That's like when Marty McFly went back to the future and saw his future self.

Peter: Yeah, but then Jesus appears to them, and then they all have a big ol' meal.

Lois: That's right. Jesus even explains how the things that happened to him were all in accordance with the scriptures.

Brian: Then Jesus commissions the disciples to spread the good news.

Stewie: Just like when the Avengers all went their separate ways after they defeated Thanos.