Batman: Holy resurrection, Robin! It appears Jesus has risen from the dead!
Robin: You're right, Batman! In Luke 24, two of Jesus' disciples were walking to a village called Emmaus when Jesus suddenly appeared and joined them.
Joker: Tsk, tsk. So much for the power of the dead, eh?
Batman: Not so fast, Joker! When the disciples recognized Jesus, He vanished from their sight.
Catwoman: How mysterious!
Robin: Indeed! Later, Jesus reappeared in a room where the disciples had gathered and revealed himself to them.
Riddler: How did they finally recognize him?
Batman: When Jesus broke the bread, the disciples' eyes were opened and they knew it was him!
Penguin: Well, that's a good way to get people to remember you.
Batman: Indeed it is. After this, Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures and then ascended to Heaven.
Robin: What an amazing story!
Batman: Indeed it is, Robin. We must always remember the power of the Lord!