Batman: The chapter begins with Jesus warning the disciples to be on their guard against the temptations of sin.
Robin: And then, he tells them a parable about a slave who worked all day and then had to serve his master at night without being thanked!
Joker: Hahaha - what a laugh!
Batman: Jesus then tells the disciples if they have faith, even as small as a mustard seed, that they can move mountains!
Catwoman: Impressive!
Robin: But then, Jesus warned them that even after they have done a great deed, they should not expect praise from others.
Riddler: Interesting!
Batman: But even more interestingly, Jesus then tells his disciples that when the Kingdom of God comes, it will not be seen with the eye.
Penguin: Ooh, mysterious!
Robin: And Jesus then tells the disciples that it's important to always be ready for his return.
Batman: For no one knows when he will come, but when he does, it will be like a flash of lightning!