Alright, folks. Luke 17. Let me tell ya, this one's a real wild ride. We got some lepers, some ten lepers, and Jesus is passing through and tells them to go show themselves to the priest. Ten of them do it, and it's great news, 'cause they're all healed. But, get this, only one of them comes back to thank Jesus. Just one! He's a foreigner, and Jesus is like, “Where are the other nine?” I mean, they're all healed, right? So, at least show some gratitude! Alright, moving on. We got Jesus talking about the Kingdom of God, talking about how it's like a mustard seed and how it's like leaven in bread. And then, he's talking about how it's like when the Son of Man comes. He's gonna be like lightning, and it's gonna be a real spectacle. Then, Jesus talks about how it's gonna be difficult for folks living in those days, and that if they don't remain alert, they're gonna miss it. Alright, that's all from Luke 17, folks. Stay tuned for more!