Chapter 1
Well, it looks like the writers of the Bible are back at it again with their latest chapter, Hebrews 1. This chapter starts off strong, with a shoutout to Jesus, who is God's Son, and a reminder that he's better than the angels. →
Chapter 2
Well, folks, it's time for another edition of Bible Summary, and this time we're checking out Hebrews 2. Ya ready? Alright, let's get to it. So, the author of Hebrews is basically saying that Jesus is so much more important than the angels, so it's a real shame that he was subjected to so much suffering. →
Chapter 3
Alright, so in Hebrews 3, the writer is trying to get the readers to hold fast to their faith in Jesus, and not be swayed by anything else. And he's using Moses as an example of the type of faith that they should have. →
Chapter 4
In Chapter 4 of the Bible, the author of Hebrews dives into the power of God’s word, saying it is like a sharp sword and has power to penetrate all the way to the soul and spirit. So it’s like God’s a Jedi or something? →
Chapter 5
So, it's Hebrews 5: Alright, we are talkin' about Jesus, who was a great high priest, though he was tempted too. Hey, even the Messiah was tempted, so don't be too hard on yourself. But, Jesus was chosen by God, so He was different from the priests appointed by humans. →
Chapter 6
Ok, so Chapter 6 of Hebrews is all about perseverance and not giving up. It's like, don't be a quitter, you guys. It's saying that it's impossible to renew people who have apostatized and that it's impossible to bring them back to repentance. →
Chapter 7
Ah, Hebrews 7. In this chapter, the author starts by talking about Abraham and a certain Melchizedek. Now I'm not saying this is a made up character, but *wink*, *nudge*, *wink*, it's definitely not a real person. →
Chapter 8
So...Hebrews 8. It starts off with a long reminder about how the law of Moses was just a shadow of what was to come. And then it talks about how Jesus is the one who brings us a better covenant. It's like Jesus is the new Moses and the new covenant is like a new version of the old one. →
Chapter 9
Well, it's been a wild ride, folks. We've reached Hebrews 9, and it's time to take a look at how the Bible wraps up this journey. Here's the gist: Jesus' death and resurrection is the ultimate sacrifice and it makes the old covenant obsolete. →
Chapter 10
Well, folks, the Bible is at it again. Chapter 10 of the Book of Hebrews is a real doozy. Apparently, this is the chapter where the author tells us that Jesus is the only one way to salvation. Sure, it may sound a little exclusionary, but hey, that's the Bible for ya. →
Chapter 11
Hebrews 11 is all about faith. It basically says that without faith, it's impossible to please God. And that's because faith is believing in something you can't see. And faith is a big deal because it makes us take steps of obedience that would otherwise be impossible. →
Chapter 12
Hey, folks, this is Norm MacDonald here with the Bible update. In Hebrews 12, we hear a reminder to stay focused on Jesus and his teachings, and to keep our eyes on the prize. It's a reminder to stay away from the things of this world and to focus on the spiritual path. →
Chapter 13
Norm here, and you know what that means: time for our weekly recap of the Bible. This time, we're checking out Hebrews 13. First, it's all about love. Love your neighbors, love strangers, and don't forget to love yourself. →