Chapter 1
Well, it's been a while since we've been in church, but we're gonna take a quick look at Luke 1. Let's start with a man named Zechariah. He's a priest who, according to the Bible, can't talk because he doubted an angel. →
Chapter 2
Hey, how about that Luke 2, huh? We got an angel showing up to announce the birth of Jesus to a bunch of shepherds out in the fields. The shepherds, understandably, get freaked out, but the angel tells them not to worry, because it's good news. →
Chapter 3
Well, all y'all sinners out there better get ready, because it's time for Luke 3! We got the lowdown on a guy named John the Baptist, who is speaking out against the corrupt religious leaders of the time. →
Chapter 4
Hey, fans of the Bible! This week on Luke 4, Jesus is getting around, and boy oh boy, is he ever popular! After getting himself an invite to a party at Simon's house, and healing Simon's mother-in-law, Jesus is just about the most popular guy in town. →
Chapter 5
Well, well, well, it looks like the party's in full swing in the fifth chapter of Luke. Jesus is out there on the lake with his buddies, Peter, James, John, and Andrew, when all of a sudden he tells them to go fishing. →
Chapter 6
This week on Weekend Update, we take a look at Luke 6. In this chapter, Jesus gathers his disciples and names twelve of them as apostles. He then gives a sermon on a mountaintop, complete with some pretty choice quotes. →
Chapter 7
Hey, welcome to Weekend Update. This week, we're doing a deep dive into Luke 7. Jesus is in the village of Nain, and he sees a funeral procession coming. He's like, "What's up, y'all? Who died?" The man leading the procession says, "It's my son, he's my only child. →
Chapter 8
Well, folks, it's time to check in on our favorite Biblical heroes and see what they're up to in Luke 8. This week, Jesus and his disciples are on their way to some small towns, preaching the good word. →
Chapter 9
Alright, so it's Luke 9. Jesus is really trying to get his message out there, so he sends the disciples out to preach and performs a bunch of miracles. He's healing people and casting out demons, so it's like a real life X-Men comic, except Jesus is the only one with mutant powers. →
Chapter 10
So, Luke 10 - Jesus sends out the 70 disciples to spread the Gospel, and this is a huge success. They come back and report to Jesus that even demons are bowing down to him. Jesus is like, "Cool, I guess. →
Chapter 11
Well folks, it's been quite a day in the book of Luke. In chapter 11, Jesus is teaching his disciples how to pray and he even throws in a free parable. He also dispatches some demons, which is very exciting. →
Chapter 12
Hey, folks, this is Norm MacDonald here to give you the lowdown on the latest chapter of the Bible: Luke 12. It's all about how not to be a worrywart! Jesus tells everyone not to be afraid, because even the birds don't worry about where their food is coming from. →
Chapter 13
Hey there, it's Norm MacDonald with a summary of the Bible. This time, it's Luke 13! Jesus is preaching and healing, as usual. He tells some parables about growing wheat and weeds, and about a fig tree that doesn't bear fruit. →
Chapter 14
"Well, folks, this week in the Bible, we've got Luke 14. In this chapter, Jesus is at a dinner party and he drops some major knowledge. He tells everyone that if they want to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, they have to be the least. →
Chapter 15
Well, folks, it looks like Jesus is at it again. In Luke 15, He's telling stories about lost items to try and make the point that God cares about everyone, no matter how far they've strayed. First, Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep, basically saying that even one lost sheep is worth looking for. →
Chapter 16
Well, folks, Luke 16 is about a rich man and a poor man. The rich man is dressed in fancy clothes, living the high life and throwing big parties. The poor man, Lazarus, is outside the rich man's door, begging for scraps, and even the dogs come to lick his sores. →
Chapter 17
Alright, folks. Luke 17. Let me tell ya, this one's a real wild ride. We got some lepers, some ten lepers, and Jesus is passing through and tells them to go show themselves to the priest. Ten of them do it, and it's great news, 'cause they're all healed. →
Chapter 18
Well, folks, this week's Bible chapter is Luke 18. It's a wild one. It starts off with Jesus talking about how important it is to pray constantly, which is a good message, but it gets weird. He then tells a parable about a widow who keeps pestering a judge to help her, until the judge finally gives in and helps her. →
Chapter 19
"Well, folks, this week we're talking about Luke 19, and boy do I have some stories for you. So, Jesus is in Jericho and meets Zacchaeus, the tax collector. Zacchaeus is a short guy, so he climbs a tree to see Jesus. →
Chapter 20
Alright, folks, Luke Chapter 20. Jesus is at it again. First, he's warning the people against the scribes and their hypocrisy. Then he's giving a parable about renting a vineyard and the tenants not paying their rent. →
Chapter 21
Hey folks, it's Norm MacDonald here with another crazy chapter from the Bible. Let's see what's goin' on in Luke 21. Jesus is still preachin' and this time it's about the end of everything. He talks about wars, earthquakes, famines and all sorts of other disasters. →
Chapter 22
Well, folks, looks like Jesus had a pretty rough time in Luke 22. First he gets betrayed by one of his own disciples, Judas. Then he gets arrested, tried and condemned by the Jewish authorities. But it's not all bad news, he also has a last supper with his disciples, where he institutes the Eucharist. →
Chapter 23
"Well, folks, it's time for our regular feature -- a summary of Luke 23. Today, we're gonna take a look at Jesus' final hours as he's condemned to death. Yeah, pretty heavy stuff. But don't worry, there's still plenty of comedy. →
Chapter 24
Well folks, Luke 24, what a wild ride it was! We start off with some sad news, two men telling the disciples of Jesus' death. A few of the disciples ran to his tomb and found it empty, with angels telling them Jesus had risen. →