Chapter 1
So, here we are checking in on 2 Chronicles 1, the chapter where King Solomon goes to the Lord in all his glory. He's got 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horsemen, which is a lot more than the Lord's got, so he's feeling pretty confident. →
Chapter 2
Hey, folks, this is Norm MacDonald here with a brief summary of 2 Chronicles 2. So, King Solomon is about to build a temple for the Lord, and he knows he's gonna need lots of help, so he sends for laborers from the Sidonians and Tyre to provide cedar wood, stone, and bronze for the temple. →
Chapter 3
Well, it looks like God wanted to make a point with 2 Chronicles 3, because it's all about King Solomon building the temple in Jerusalem. This temple project was not cheap, it took him and his workers seven years to build it - but we all know money's no object when it comes to God. →
Chapter 4
So, in 2 Chronicles 4, we've got King Solomon building a temple for the Lord. He's using cedar, gold, bronze and more. And it's a whole lot of work, like a full two years of labor. Of course, Solomon can do it all, because he's the wisest man alive. →
Chapter 5
Well, folks, it's time to check in with 2 Chronicles! This week, we've got Chapter 5, which is all about the Temple of Solomon. Now, get this- they bring all the furnishings there, and they place them in the Most Holy Place, which is the inner sanctum of the temple. →
Chapter 6
Well, folks, it looks like we've made it to 2 Chronicles 6. You know, I don't want to say this chapter is *boring*, but it's pretty much just Solomon giving a long, rambling speech. He talks about how he built the temple and how God will forgive the people's sins if they pray. →
Chapter 7
Hey, folks, it's me, Norm Macdonald, with a quick rundown of what happened in 2 Chronicles 7. So in this chapter, God appears to King Solomon and tells him that when the Israelites pray, God will hear them and if they turn away from their wicked ways, God will heal their land. →
Chapter 8
So, we start 2 Chronicles 8 and it's all about King Solomon doing what he does best: building and dedicating temples. He built a temple for the LORD in Jerusalem, and then dedicated it with a sacrificial feast that lasted 14 days. →
Chapter 9
Well, folks, it looks like we've got a lot going on in 2 Chronicles 9. We've got Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, and of course the obligatory gold and silver. The Queen of Sheba was so impressed by Solomon, she gave him a ton of gold and precious stones. →
Chapter 10
Hey, folks, it's Norm MacDonald here with the summary of 2 Chronicles 10. So, King Rehoboam of Judah is having a bit of a problem. He's reignin' over a divided kingdom, and the northern tribes ain't too keen on his leadership. →
Chapter 11
(Norm comes out on stage) "Alright, let's check out what's going on in the Bible in 2 Chronicles 11. So, King Rehoboam is starting to rule over Judah and Benjamin. He's doing a pretty good job, but then he makes the mistake of taking 18 wives and 60 concubines, which his advisors were not too happy about. →
Chapter 12
Ah, 2 Chronicles 12. This chapter is a wild one, folks. In it, Rehoboam, the king of Judah, is attacked by Shishak, the king of Egypt. It seems that Rehoboam had been warned to keep the Lord's commands, but he refused. →
Chapter 13
Hey there, it's Norm MacDonald here from Weekend Update. So, this week we're talking about 2 Chronicles 13, and I've gotta say, this chapter has it all. So, King Abijah of Judah is facing off against Jeroboam the king of Israel, and he's got the odds in his favor, since he's got 400,000 troops and Jeroboam only has 800,000. →
Chapter 14
Well folks, it's time to get biblical! In 2 Chronicles 14, we find out that King Asa of Judah is a pretty decent guy. He gets rid of the idols in the land and trusts in the Lord instead. He also defeats an army of a million men with only 300,000 of his own. →
Chapter 15
Well folks, it's 2 Chronicles 15 and it looks like the good people of Judah are really taking their religion seriously. They're all gathering together at the temple and renewing their covenant to worship the Lord and follow his commands. →
Chapter 16
Well, folks, 2 Chronicles 16 is the story of King Asa of Judah and how he called on the nation of Aram to help him in war against the kingdom of Israel. But, ya know, sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness than permission, because Asa didn't tell God what he was doing. →
Chapter 17
"This week on Weekend Update, we take a look at 2 Chronicles 17. King Jehoshaphat of Judah was a righteous man who worshiped God and appointed judges throughout the country. He also made peace with the king of Israel, which was a big deal. →
Chapter 18
Norm MacDonald: Alright, so in 2 Chronicles 18, King Jehoshaphat of Judah forms an alliance with wicked King Ahab of Israel, and they set out to fight against the Syrians at Ramoth-Gilead. Things don't go so great, and Ahab suggests that Jehoshaphat wear his royal robes so that the Syrians will think Ahab is Jehoshaphat and not kill him. →
Chapter 19
Alright, so in 2 Chronicles 19, we got a King of Judah, Jehoshaphat, who's trying to do the right thing. He appoints people to judge the people of the land, and tells them to be fair and to follow the law of God. →
Chapter 20
Well this chapter of the Bible is a wild one! We got King Jehoshaphat of Judah, who gets a message that a huge number of people are coming to attack him. So what does he do? He doesn't get out his big swords and shields, nah. →
Chapter 21
Ok, so in 2 Chronicles 21, we got some pretty crazy stuff going on. King Jehoram of Judah has died, and his son Jehoram takes over, which is already a bit of a red flag. Anyway, he's not a great king, so God sends a prophet to warn him, and he doesn't listen. →
Chapter 22
"Well, in 2 Chronicles 22, we got a real soap opera! It's a real saga of drama, intrigue, and betrayal. It all started with Ahaziah, King of Judah. He was only 22 years old when he died, and some of his own people killed him. →
Chapter 23
Well folks, the Bible is back! And boy, do we have a chapter for you this week. 2 Chronicles 23. It's all about that good old-fashioned royal drama. King Joash has grown up and he's ready to take his rightful place on the throne. →
Chapter 24
Well, folks, it's time for another chapter of the Bible, and this time it's 2 Chronicles 24. So, here we go. King Joash of Judah was doing alright until he was influenced by some bad advisors, who said he should stop repairing the temple and start taxing his people instead. →
Chapter 25
Hey, it's Norm here with a recap of the 25th chapter of 2 Chronicles. In it, King Amaziah of Judah kicks off his reign by doing what any new ruler would do--pushing out the priest and replacing them with his own worshipers. →
Chapter 26
"Alright, in 2 Chronicles 26, we got King Uzziah, who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He starts thinking he can do priestly duties despite not being a priest, and God isn't cool with that, so he strikes him with leprosy. →
Chapter 27
Well, folks, 2 Chronicles 27 proves that the Bible isn't all doom and gloom. It's mostly just doom. In this chapter, we meet King Jotham, who was the son of Uzziah. Jotham was a pretty decent king, and he did righteous things, like restore the Temple to its former glory. →
Chapter 28
Well, here's a real Bible classic: 2 Chronicles 28. King Ahaz of Judah was a real bad egg. He sacrificed his son to false idols, followed other gods, and even shut down the Temple. So naturally, God punishes him by sending the army of Aram to attack Judah. →
Chapter 29
Hey, welcome back to Weekend Update, I'm Norm MacDonald. Now, it's time for a brief summary of the Bible, and this week we're looking at 2 Chronicles 29. Well, this is a good one - King Hezekiah of Judah has just come to the throne, and he's decided to clean up the place. →
Chapter 30
Alright, so in 2 Chronicles 30, the people of Judah and Benjamin come together to celebrate the Passover. And they invite everyone who has repented to come and join them. So, a whole bunch of people show up and they celebrate with plenty of sacrifices and feasting. →
Chapter 31
Well, folks, it's been another wild ride in the Bible this week. This time, it's 2 Chronicles 31. First off, God's people have a big problem: they've completely forgotten about Him and are worshipping idols instead. →
Chapter 32
Alright, folks, we got a real wild one here. 2 Chronicles 32. It's about King Hezekiah, who's also known as 'the Good King'. He did a bunch of stuff to try to make his kingdom great and keep it safe from invaders. →
Chapter 33
Well, that's a wrap for 2 Chronicles 33. It's a real doozy. In this chapter, we got a real blast from the past as we meet King Manasseh. He was a real piece of work, folks - he did all kinds of horrible stuff, like offering sacrifices to false gods and filling Jerusalem with all kinds of evil. →
Chapter 34
Good evening, I'm Norm MacDonald and this is your Bible Update. In 2 Chronicles 34, it's all about King Josiah. He's only 8 years old when he becomes king, but he really cleans house. He gets rid of all the idols and altars of the false gods, and he commands the people to follow the Lord. →
Chapter 35
Well, folks, it's time for a quick look at the Bible. This week, we're checking out 2 Chronicles 35. Let me tell ya, this one's a doozy. It's all about preparations for the big Passover celebration. King Josiah orders everyone to get ready for the festival, and he even provides all the sacrifices himself. →
Chapter 36
Hey, you know what they say: history repeats itself. Well, that's definitely true in 2 Chronicles 36. We've got kings who don't listen to God, and then they get conquered, and then some new kings who don't listen to God, and then they get conquered. →