Chapter 1
Alright, so 1 Timothy 1: This is a letter from Paul to Timothy, his disciple, and Paul's giving him the lowdown on how to lead a good Christian life. He's talking about how to stay away from false teachings and how to be a good leader to the people. →
Chapter 2
Hey, it's NormMacDonald with the Book of Bible-Times on Saturday Night Update. Let's see what's happening in 1 Timothy 2. Paul is telling Timothy to pray for everyone, including kings and other rulers, so that we can lead a peaceful and quiet life. →
Chapter 3
Welcome to Saturday Night Bible Update, I'm Norm MacDonald. This week, we're talking about 1 Timothy 3. In this chapter, Paul gives Timothy instructions on how to choose church leaders. He says that they should be of good character, and have a strong faith. →
Chapter 4
Well, folks, it looks like we've got another chapter of the Bible for ya, and this one comes from 1 Timothy 4. The chapter starts off with a warning against believing in "genealogies," which I'm gonna take to mean like family trees, y'know? So, basically, don't get too caught up in where you come from. →
Chapter 5
Well, it looks like 1 Timothy 5 is all about the power of Paul's teachings. He says that older men should be respected, and that younger people should respect their elders. He also says that widows should be taken care of, and that they should be honored by the church. →
Chapter 6
Hey, folks, it's time for Bible Update. We've got 1 Timothy 6 this week and it's a real doozy. The chapter starts off with what the author's got against slaves, which is basically that they should be content in their station and respect their masters. →