Chapter 1
"Listen up, troops! 1 Timothy is the first epistle of Paul to Timothy. Paul is trying to get Timothy to focus on the Gospel, not myths or endless genealogies. He also wants Timothy to stay away from those who teach lies and focus on the law, which is good if used as intended. →
Chapter 2
Listen up, soldiers! Chapter two of 1 Timothy is all about how to properly worship the Lord. First and foremost, pray for everyone! Pray for those who are in power, for those who are in positions of authority to make good decisions. →
Chapter 3
"Listen up, troops! Chapter 3 of 1 Timothy is all about qualifications for church leaders. It's a long list of traits that must be present in a leader. They must be above reproach, temperate, sensible, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, and must manage their own households well. →
Chapter 4
Listen up, recruits! This is 1 Timothy 4. You better pay attention and commit this to memory, because it's important. In this chapter, God's spirit tells us that some people will spread false teachings. →
Chapter 5
"Listen up, recruits! 1 Timothy 5 is all about how leaders in the church should be treated. Paul says that they should be respected and honored, and that they should be given double honor if they are doing a good job. →
Chapter 6
Timothy, listen up! Chapter 6 of 1 Timothy is about money. It says that those who want to get rich quick will be tempted by evil. Don't fall for it. Instead, pursue godliness and contentment. Don't trust in wealth or be proud of it; it's ultimately useless. →