• Chapter 1

    Attention! Listen up! This here is 2 Thessalonians 1. Paul and his team are writing this letter to the church in Thessalonica. They thank God for the faith and love of the believers there, and pray for them to grow in holiness and knowledge.

  • Chapter 2

    Drop and give me 20! That's right, I said 20! Now listen up, maggots! Chapter two of 2 Thessalonians is about false prophets and the coming of the Lord. The Lord Jesus will appear and destroy the false prophets who try to deceive you.

  • Chapter 3

    ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! Listen up! 2 Thessalonians 3 is all about living a Godly life! You need to watch out for those who don’t obey God’s commands and stay away from them. You also need to stay away from idleness; it’s not acceptable in the eyes of God.