• Chapter 1

    Listen up, you maggots! This here is 2 Peter 1. It's all about the importance of having faith and using it to live a godly life. The author starts off by saying that having faith is the key to having everything you need for life and godliness.

  • Chapter 2

    ATTENTION! Listen up, maggots! This is 2 Peter 2! You will remember the story of God's people! In this chapter, Peter reminds us that God's chosen people have been persecuted throughout history by false prophets and teachers.

  • Chapter 3

    Attention, recruits! Listen up and listen good! Chapter 3 of 2 Peter is all about God's patience. He's not gonna rush into judgement right away. He's gonna wait. He wants all the unbelievers to have a chance to repent and turn back to Him.