Chapter 1
Listen up, ye scallywags! Mark 1 is all about Jesus' arrival on the scene. First, he comes to John the Baptist so he can be baptized, but John doesn't think he needs it. Jesus is like, 'Nah, I'm gonna do it anyway. →
Chapter 2
Listen up, maggots! This is Mark 2. In this chapter, Jesus shocks everyone by forgiving the sins of a paralyzed man. He tells the man he is healed, then orders him to rise up and walk. The man does, and everyone is shocked. →
Chapter 3
Alright, you newbies! Listen up! Chapter 3 of the Good Book is all about Jesus and his crew. He's got the Twelve, and he's gonna teach 'em how to do His work. He's also healin' folks and it's makin' the Pharisees mad. →
Chapter 4
Listen up recruits! Mark 4 is all about Jesus teaching in parables and the disciples trying to figure out what he means. Jesus tells them that the Kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed on the ground. →
Chapter 5
Listen up, maggots! This is Mark 5. In this chapter, Jesus shows off his power by casting out a whole legion of evil spirits from a man. The man was so possessed by the demons, he was living in tombs and no one could bind him with chains. →
Chapter 6
Hey you maggots! Listen up! This is Mark 6. Jesus went back to his hometown and they didn't believe him. He sent out the twelve disciples with instructions to preach and heal. He fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish. →
Chapter 7
LISTEN UP, RECRUITS! Mark 7 is all about religious rules, and Jesus challenging those rules. Jesus says that it's not necessarily what goes IN a person that makes them unclean, it's what comes OUT. He then goes on to talk about how all the rules mean nothing without a person's heart being in the right place. →
Chapter 8
Listen up, soldiers! Mark 8 is all about Jesus feeding a crowd of more than 4,000 people. That's right, 4,000! Jesus takes a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish and miraculously multiplies them, so everyone has enough to eat. →
Chapter 9
Listen up, maggots! Mark 9 is all about Jesus' teachings and miracles. He starts by telling his disciples that some of them will see the Kingdom of God come with power. Jesus then takes three of them to a mountain where he is transfigured before them. →
Chapter 10
"Listen up, recruits! This is Mark 10! In this chapter, Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, and he's talking about marriage and family. He's saying that if a man divorces his wife and marries someone else, he's committing adultery. →
Chapter 11
"Listen up, newbies! You better pay attention to what I'm about to tell you about Mark 11 in the Bible. Jesus entered Jerusalem in triumph, riding a donkey. Then he went to the temple and drove out the merchants and money changers who were there. →
Chapter 12
Mark 12: Jesus is challenged by the religious leaders, teaches about the Greatest Commandment, tells the parable of the tenants, and explains the resurrection of the dead. Listen up, maggots! Chapter 12 of Mark's Gospel is all about Jesus getting challenged by the religious leaders. →
Chapter 13
LISTEN UP, RECRUITS! This is Mark 13! In this chapter, Jesus is giving his disciples a warning: the end of the world is coming! He says to watch out for false prophets, and to make sure to remain alert. →
Chapter 14
Listen up! Mark 14! Jesus and his friends have a Passover meal. Then Jesus talks about betrayal, and predicts one of his followers will do it. After the meal, Jesus and his friends go to the Mount of Olives. →
Chapter 15
Mark 15: Get your heads in the game! Jesus is being taken to the governor, Pilate. Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the people said no, so he had to send him off to be crucified. Jesus is dressed in a purple robe, mocked and beaten by the soldiers, then paraded around the city. →
Chapter 16
ALRIGHT YOU MAGGOTS! LISTEN UP! This is Mark 16 of the Bible. Jesus has just been resurrected and he's appearing to his disciples. He gives them the Great Commission to go forth and preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations. →