Chapter 1
"Listen up, recruits! This is Esther 1. King Ahasuerus is throwing a big feast for all his noblemen and leaders. He's got a lot of wine and he's showing off his riches. He's also showing off his wife, Queen Vashti, but she refuses to show up. →
Chapter 2
"LISTEN UP, RECRUITS! Esther 2. In this chapter, King Xerxes was looking for a new queen, so he put out a call for beautiful young virgins from all over the kingdom. One of these virgins was Esther, who was adopted by her cousin Mordecai. →
Chapter 3
Listen up, recruits! Esther Chapter 3 is about a guy named Haman, who gets mad at Mordecai, who won't bow down to him. So, Haman goes to the King and gets him to sign a decree that all the Jews in the kingdom should be killed. →
Chapter 4
LISTEN UP, MAGGOTS! Esther 4 is all about Esther's courage to stand up to the bad guy in the story, Haman. Esther was just a young Jewish woman, but she had more guts than all of you combined. She risked her life to save her people, and she got the King of Persia to spare them from destruction. →
Chapter 5
You maggots better listen up! Esther 5 is all about Esther getting herself some swagger and pullin' rank at the palace. She invites the king and Haman to a dinner feast of her own arrangin'. The king's all 'hey, what can I do for you?' and she's like 'nothin', I just wanna throw ya a shindig'. →
Chapter 6
LISTEN UP, MAGGOTS! Esther 6: The King of Persia has a banquet for Mordecai, his advisor who foiled a plot to kill the king. The king honors him by setting him in a royal seat and giving him a royal robe. →
Chapter 7
Listen up, maggots! Esther 7 is all about King Ahasuerus getting mad at Haman, the enemy of the Jews, and what happens to him. The king orders that Haman must be hung on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. →
Chapter 8
"OK YOU MAGGOTS! Esther 8 is all about the Jews getting revenge on their enemies. Queen Esther intervenes with the king and gets permission for the Jews to fight back against their enemies. The king gives the Jews permission to take all their enemies' money, take their lands and possessions, and even kill them if they want to. →
Chapter 9
Listen up, soldiers! Esther 9 is all about the Jews getting revenge on their enemies. The King, the Queen, and Mordecai had written a decree that allowed the Jews to take arms and fight. They fought for their lives and killed about 75,000 of their enemies. →
Chapter 10
1-3 Listen up soldiers! This is Esther Chapter 10, Verse 1: King Ahasuerus imposed a tax on the land and on the coastal regions. Verse 2: All the acts of his power and might, and the full account of the greatness of Mordecai, to which the king had raised him, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia? Verse 3: Mordecai the Jew was second in rank to King Ahasuerus, and he was great among the Jews and popular with the multitude of his brothers, for he sought the good of his people and interceded for the welfare of all his descendants. →