• Chapter 1

    Batman: Robin, it's time to review the story of Esther 1! Robin: Right, Batman! In this chapter, the Persian King Ahasuerus throws a lavish feast that lasts 180 days. Batman: That's right, young ward! After the feast, he throws another seven day party and invites all the nobles, governors, and princes of the 127 provinces to his palace.

  • Chapter 2

    Batman: Robin, it looks like Queen Vashti's refusal to appear before King Ahasuerus has caused quite a stir! Robin: You're right, Batman! Ahasuerus has ordered all the beautiful young virgins of the kingdom to be brought before him so he can choose a new queen.

  • Chapter 3

    Robin: Holy hangings, Batman! King Ahasuerus has commanded his servant Haman to hang Mordecai the Jew! Batman: Yes, Robin, and I fear the situation is even more dire than it appears. Haman has set his sights on all of the Jews in the kingdom.

  • Chapter 4

    Robin: "Holy bible study Batman! What did we learn from Esther chapter 4?" Batman: "When Mordecai learned of the evil plot of Queen Vashti's replacement, Queen Esther, he asked her to appeal to the King on behalf of the Jews.

  • Chapter 5

    Robin: Holy heartache, Batman! King Ahasuerus has been tricked by his wicked advisor, Haman! Batman: Yes, Robin, and now the queen, Esther, must come up with a clever plan to save her people. Catwoman: Oh, this is getting so exciting! What does she do?

  • Chapter 6

    Robin: Hold on, Batman! What's that noise? Batman: It's the ruckus coming from the King's court. Let's go see what's going on! Catwoman: You won't believe what's happening here, Dynamic Duo. It turns out that Mordecai, the one who saved the King's life, was late to the court.

  • Chapter 7

    Batman: Robin, our mission is to save the Jews from Haman’s evil plot! Robin: Right, Batman! But how can we do that? Joker: Ha ha ha! Not so fast, Dynamic Duo! You’ll never be able to save the Jews!

  • Chapter 8

    Batman: Ah, Robin, our mission has been a success! We have just read Esther 8! Robin: What did we learn, Batman? Batman: We learned that the King gave Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai permission to issue edicts so that the Jews could defend themselves against their enemies.

  • Chapter 9

    Batman: Robin, the book of Esther is coming to a close! In Chapter 9, the Jews have won the day against their enemies. Robin: Holy celebration, Batman! Batman: Indeed, Robin! The Jews were given permission to defend themselves against their enemies, and they did so with great success.

  • Chapter 10

    Batman: Robin, it's time to face the facts! In Esther Chapter 10, King Ahasuerus gives Mordecai the same honor as Haman! Robin: Holy honors, Batman! Joker: Oh, ho ho! What kind of honor would that be?