Batman: Robin, our mission is to save the Jews from Haman’s evil plot!
Robin: Right, Batman! But how can we do that?
Joker: Ha ha ha! Not so fast, Dynamic Duo! You’ll never be able to save the Jews!
Batman: Joker, your plan will never succeed! Esther and the Jews have fasted and prayed and now Queen Esther has summoned Haman to a royal banquet.
Robin: That’s right! And while Haman was at the banquet, he made a shocking announcement!
Batman: Yes, he told Queen Esther of his plan to annihilate all of the Jews in the kingdom.
Joker: Ah, but he was foiled! Before he could carry out his plan, King Ahasuerus found out about it and ordered Haman to be hanged on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai.
Robin: And with that, the Jews were saved from disaster!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. Haman’s evil plan was thwarted and the Jews were saved!