Batman: Robin, the book of Esther is coming to a close! In Chapter 9, the Jews have won the day against their enemies.

Robin: Holy celebration, Batman!

Batman: Indeed, Robin! The Jews were given permission to defend themselves against their enemies, and they did so with great success.

Joker: Ha ha ha! What a joke! Those silly Jews can't even defend themselves.

Batman: Joker, this time they did. The Jews killed 75,000 of their enemies, and they were given permission to plunder their wealth.

Joker: What!? That's not fair!

Robin: Holy irony, Joker!

Batman: Indeed, Robin. The Jews enjoyed their victory and the wealth they had acquired for two months.

Catwoman: Two months of partying? That sounds like my kind of fun!

Batman: Indeed, Catwoman. But this victory was more than just a party. The Jews also established the holiday of Purim to celebrate their deliverance from their enemies.

Riddler: But why a holiday?

Robin: Holy celebration, Riddler! The Jews wanted to remember and celebrate their deliverance from their enemies.

Batman: Indeed, Robin. And so, the book of Esther comes to a close.