Peter: Alright, so here's what happened in Esther 9.
Lois: Oh great...
Peter: So, Esther and her people, the Jews, were being persecuted by the bad guy, Haman, who wanted to get rid of all the Jews. But, Esther asked the King to help, and he did!
Brian: Sounds like a classic case of the Jews getting the Last Laugh.
Stewie: Hmm, that's a good one.
Lois: That's enough, boys. So, what happened next?
Peter: Well, the King gave Esther permission to have the Jews fight back against Haman's people and they won!
Brian: So, the Jews had a Happy Days situation?
Peter: Yeah, something like that. But, it wasn't all happy days. The Jews still had to mourn their losses and fast for three days.
Stewie: So, they had a Fast Times at Ridgemont High?
Peter: Sure, why not?