Peter: "All right, if we're gonna recap Esther 10, I'm gonna do it in my best Peter Griffin voice. So, Esther 10 starts out with King Xerxes honoring Mordecai for saving his life by giving him land, money, and lots of other stuff. Then all the people of the kingdom are like 'Hey, Mordecai's the man!' Lois: "Oh Peter, that's so sweet. But what else happens?" Peter: "Well, let's see. The King sets up a record for Mordecai's deeds, and then decides to make the whole kingdom recognize him. Then Mordecai becomes the most powerful dude in the land, and everyone bows down to him. It's like the plot of a Will Smith movie, except Mordecai doesn't get the girl at the end." Stewie: "Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot they didn't have girls in the Bible. I guess Mordecai just had to settle for a big pile of gold and some land." Peter: "Yeah, pretty much. But then the chapter ends with the fact that Mordecai's fame spread throughout the entire kingdom, and people were talking about him everywhere. It was like a Bible version of the Kardashians!"