Listen, Jack, this is Esther 10. Here's the deal - it's all about a guy named Mordecai. He was a big deal back in the day, folks. King Ahasuerus had promoted him to a very high position in the government. Mordecai was also a Jew, and he was pretty popular with the people.
So, when did all this happen? Well, I'm not joking - it was a long time ago. My father used to say, "If you don't remember the past, you can't plan for the future." And he was right. That's why this story is so important.
So, Mordecai had become a powerful figure, and he used his influence to help the Jews. He had a lot of friends and enemies, too. He also wrote down a lot of his deeds and accomplishments, so everyone would know what he had done.
The book of Esther ends with a pretty incredible story. It turns out that Mordecai's influence was so great, he was able to get the king to pass a law that allowed the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies. C'mon, man! That's pretty impressive, if you ask me.
So, that's Esther 10, folks. No malarkey! You see, it's important to remember our past, so we can understand our present and plan for our future. And Mordecai's story shows us just how powerful one person can be. Excuse me, what was that? Oh, right - Mordecai was a real hero. Literally.