Hey, folks, here's the deal. Esther 8 is an amazing Biblical chapter that literally changed the course of history. My father used to say, "If it wasn't for Esther 8 we'd all be speaking Persian!" See here, Jack, King Ahasuerus was feeling pretty down in the dumps after realizing he'd issued a death sentence on his own people. But Esther, being the amazing woman she was, had a plan. She told the King to issue a new edict, one that would save the Jews. And the King agreed! "C'mon, man!", I thought, "That's amazing!" But it gets even better, guys. Esther then asked the King to give the Jews the right to defend themselves against their oppressors, and the King agreed to that too! What was that? He gave them the right to assemble and arm themselves in every province, and even to destroy, kill, and annihilate any enemy forces? Well, let me tell you, that's not gonna happen every day! So, basically, the Jews were saved, and they even got to keep all the plunder they'd taken from their enemies. Excuse me, but I'm not joking when I tell you that Esther 8 is a great chapter. No malarkey!