Well, folks, it's a big day for Esther in Esther 8. She's just been given the go-ahead from King Xerxes to issue a decree that all Jews in the land can defend themselves against their enemies. Yeah, it's about time! It's like Xerxes just realized that the Jews were people, too. Anyway, Esther and Mordecai get busy and send out letters to all the provinces, telling people to arm themselves and fight anyone who threatens them. Of course, they also make sure to mention Esther's involvement in the whole thing, so she can get the credit she deserves. And get this - it turns out that the Jews not only defended themselves, but they were actually pretty successful in the fighting, and they ended up taking a lot of money from their enemies. Talk about a power move! Esther 8 is the feel-good story of the Bible, folks.