Batman: Ah, Robin, our mission has been a success! We have just read Esther 8!

Robin: What did we learn, Batman?

Batman: We learned that the King gave Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai permission to issue edicts so that the Jews could defend themselves against their enemies.

Catwoman: Ha ha ha! I knew you two could do it!

Batman: Of course, Catwoman! We can do anything! But that's not all! The edicts were written in the name of the King and sealed with the King's signet ring.

Robin: Wow! What happened next?

Batman: The edicts were sent out to all parts of the kingdom and the Jews were allowed to arm and defend themselves against their enemies.

Riddler: What a clever plan!

Batman: Indeed, Riddler! It was a plan that brought joy and honor to the Jews.