Chapter 1
Batman: Robin, something is amiss in the holy book of Joel. Robin: What is it, Batman? Riddler: Ha! I know! It's the first chapter of the book of Joel! Batman: Right you are, Riddler. The Lord has issued a call to lamentation and mourning in the land. →
Chapter 2
Batman: Prepare yourselves, Robin, for we must venture into the book of Joel! Robin: Holy prophecy, Batman! What will we find? Joker: Ha ha ha! What will you find? I'll tell you what you'll find, my dears—terror and destruction! →
Chapter 3
Batman: Robin, Gotham City is in trouble! We must head to the Book of Joel in the Bible. Robin: What is happening in Joel 3, Batman? Batman: It is a warning of a great and terrible day! The nations are gathering together, ready to attack the city of God. →