Chapter 1
Batman: Holy Scripture, Batman! We've been presented with a challenge - to write a summary of the Bible, chapter by chapter, in the campy style of the 1960s Batman TV show! Robin: And here we are, at the book of Romans, Chapter 1. →
Chapter 2
Batman: Old Romans chapter 2, aha! It talks of God's anger, which is revealed from Heaven against all the unrighteousness of humanity. Robin: It says that God shows no partiality and will judge all people according to their works. →
Chapter 3
Batman: Greetings, my trusty sidekick, Robin! We have just arrived at the Book of Romans. Chapter 3, to be precise. Robin: What does it say, Batman? Batman: It says that all people have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. →
Chapter 4
Batman: "Gotham is in trouble once more, Robin! This time, it's the teachings of a man named Paul in the Bible. In Romans 4, he talks about a man named Abraham and how faith is important to God. Robin: "Holy faithfulness! How so, Batman?" →
Chapter 5
Batman: "Greetings, old chum! Our mission today is to learn about Romans 5!" Robin: "Holy Shazam, Batman! What can we expect to find?" Batman: "Well, Robin, Romans 5 tells us that we have peace with God through Jesus Christ and that His death was an act of love and grace. →
Chapter 6
Batman: Robin, the sixth chapter of Romans is a critical one. Robin: What’s so important about it, Batman? Batman: It speaks of our relationship with God and how we should live our lives, Robin. It begins by discussing how we can be freed from sin and how we can become like Jesus. →
Chapter 7
Batman: Holy smokes, Robin! We've just read Romans 7 and what a doozy of a chapter it is. Robin: That's for sure, Batman! It's all about how the law of God can be difficult to obey and how we can feel overwhelmed by it. →
Chapter 8
Batman: [To Robin] Another chapter of Romans, and surely this one is the most exciting yet! Robin: What are we going to find in Romans 8, Batman? Batman: It's a message of hope and encouragement, Robin. →
Chapter 9
1-21. Batman: Robin, it is time to discuss the ninth chapter of Romans! Robin: But, Batman, this is a deep and complicated chapter full of theological musings. Batman: Fear not, Robin, we shall get through it! Paul begins this chapter by expressing his deep sorrow and anguish for the unbelieving Jews of his day. →
Chapter 10
Batman: Greetings, faithful sidekick! What do we have on the docket today? Robin: Let's take a look at Romans 10, Batman! Joker: Ooh, I love the sound of that! Batman: Hush, you! Now, according to Romans 10, our mission is to spread the Good News of salvation. →
Chapter 11
Robin: Holy Romans, Batman! It looks like Paul is talking about God's chosen people in this chapter! Batman: Yes, Robin. He's explaining how God chose Israel to be His chosen people, but that they have rejected Him. →
Chapter 12
Batman: Robin, we must be vigilant against the forces of evil. The Bible is our guide, and we must now turn to the book of Romans. Robin: What do we find there, Batman? Batman: Romans 12! It tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. →
Chapter 13
1-7. [Batman and Robin stand on a rooftop overlooking the city.] Batman: Hold on to your hats, Robin! We've just received a distress call from the citizens of Rome. Robin: You don't mean the Romans, Batman? What could they possibly need our help with? →
Chapter 14
Batman: Robin! It's time to read the 14th chapter of Romans! Robin: Right away, Batman! Batman: In this chapter, Paul is encouraging us to accept one another and not judge others. He says that each of us will give an account of ourselves to God, and so we shouldn't judge our brothers and sisters in Christ. →
Chapter 15
Batman: Greetings, Robin! We have arrived at Romans Fifteen, right on cue! Robin: That's right, Batman! But what exciting adventures await us here? Batman: Well, Robin, it appears that Paul is encouraging us to accept one another, just as Christ has accepted us! →
Chapter 16
Robin: Holy roman numerals, Batman! What do you make of this chapter? Batman: Rely on me, Robin. This chapter of Romans is all about unity. Paul is telling us to welcome one another, just as Christ welcomed us. →