Batman: Greetings, faithful sidekick! What do we have on the docket today?

Robin: Let's take a look at Romans 10, Batman!

Joker: Ooh, I love the sound of that!

Batman: Hush, you! Now, according to Romans 10, our mission is to spread the Good News of salvation.

Robin: And the Good News is that everyone who believes in Jesus will be saved.

Catwoman: Even me?

Batman: Yes, even you, Catwoman! That's the beauty of the Gospel.

Riddler: But how can we spread the Good News?

Batman: By preaching the word of God! We must go forth and proclaim the Good News to all who will listen.

Penguin: But what if they don't believe?

Robin: That's up to them, Penguin. We must do our part to spread the message, but ultimately it's up to each individual to decide whether or not to accept it.