Peter: Alright, so Romans 10. Let's see what we got here.
Lois: Oh, this is one of my favorite chapters!
Stewie: Ugh, enough with the Bible already. Let's move on to something interesting like (sings) Taylor Swift's latest album!
Brian: Alright, alright. Let's get on with it. So, Romans 10 talks about how everyone is trying to be righteous, but no one can do it.
Lois: Right, it's all about how salvation is only through Jesus.
Peter: And that includes all of us, even those who don't believe.
Stewie: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, basically, if we believe in Jesus and have faith in Him, we can be saved. (In a robotic voice) Salvation through Jesus!
Brian: That's right. It's all about confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart.
Lois: It's an important lesson for us all to remember.
Peter: Amen to that! Now let's get back to talking about (imitates Taylor Swift's voice) Taylor Swift!