Listen, Jack, c'mon man, here's the deal: the Bible chapter of Romans 10 is all about how we can get to God. Right? My father used to say, "It's not about what you do, it's about believing in the Lord". Literally, folks! It talks about how faith can come from hearing, and it's all about getting God to hear our call. See here, Jack, if we call out to God, he will answer us. No malarkey! He will let us into his kingdom when we call out to him. I'm not joking! It's all about how we can get to God, and it's all about faith. What was that? Or uh, you know, believing in the Lord and calling out to him. It's not gonna happen if we don't call out to God. I tell you what, folks. It's all about getting to God, and if we call out to him, he will answer us. Excuse me, if we call out to God, he will answer us and let us be part of his kingdom. That's what Romans 10 is all about.