Chapter 1
Folks, let me tell you, 1 Corinthians is a real humdinger of a chapter. Here's the deal: Paul starts off by talking about how the church in Corinth is really something special, and I'm not joking, my father used to say that God works in mysterious ways. →
Chapter 2
Folks! This is 1 Corinthians, Chapter 2. Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Paul is writing to the church in Corinth to explain the wisdom of God. He says that the things of God can't be understood by the world, because they are spiritually discerned. →
Chapter 3
Folks, I'm gonna tell ya, no malarkey, 1 Corinthians 3 is a real eye opener. See here, Jack, Paul is talking about the work of God, and he's telling us that we gotta understand that none of us can claim the credit for it. →
Chapter 4
Folks, listen, Jack: Here's the deal. My father used to say, don't judge a book by its cover, and that's true in this case. I'm not joking - no malarkey! C'mon, man! Paul's talking about the apostles here, and he's saying that they should be treated with respect. →
Chapter 5
Listen, Jack, here's the deal - I'm not joking, folks. Paul told us in 1 Corinthians 5 that we should take action against sin and not let it get out of control. C'mon, man, literally, we have to make sure we don't let it get out of hand. →
Chapter 6
Folks, I'm tellin' ya, c'mon, man! I'm not jokin' around here - 1 Corinthians 6 is a great chapter of the Bible. Here's the deal - it's all about how we should use our bodies, literally. My father used to say, "Do the right thing and you won't have any problems". →
Chapter 7
Folks, here's the deal. I'm not joking, this is literally straight from the Bible. C'mon, man! See here, Jack, 1 Corinthians 7 is about marriage and singleness. My father used to say, "Marriage is a gift from God", and I'm gonna tell you what, this is exactly what this chapter is about. →
Chapter 8
Listen, Jack, here's the deal. I tell ya what, in 1 Corinthians 8, we learn about knowledge and love. C'mon man, knowledge is nothing without love, that's how my father used to say it. We gotta understand that knowledge puffs us up, but love builds us up. →
Chapter 9
Listen, Jack, I'm not gonna lie - I'm gonna tell it to you straight. Here's the deal, folks: the Lord Jesus gave me this responsibility to preach the Gospel to the world - so I can't just sit around and not do anything. →
Chapter 10
Folks, I tell you what, here's the deal about 1 Corinthians 10. It starts off by reminding us of how the Israelites, you know, back in the day, wandered around in the desert for 40 years. My father used to say that was a long time, and he was right! See here, Jack, there were some temptations they had to face and they fell into sin. →
Chapter 11
Listen, Jack, my father used to say, "no malarkey!" C'mon man, here's the deal: I'm not joking, you should follow the traditions I have passed down. I mean, literally, women should cover their heads when they pray, and men should remove their hats. →
Chapter 12
Listen, Jack, my father used to say, you know, "A body needs all its parts to work right." Well, that's true of the Church, too. See here, Jack, if you want to be a part of the Church - like a foot, or a hand, or an eye - you gotta work together with the rest of the parts. →
Chapter 13
Folks, I'm not gonna lie to ya. I tell you what, no malarkey - 1 Corinthians 13 is a beautiful chapter! My father used to say it was one of the most beautiful in the Bible, and I'm not joking. I mean, literally, you can't even put it into words how beautiful it is. →
Chapter 14
Folks, listen, here's the deal: I'm tellin' ya, 1 Corinthians 14 is all about speaking in tongues. No malarkey! This is a real thing, I'm not jokin'! See here, Jack, if you speak in tongues, you gotta have someone around who can interpret it, otherwise it's just a bunch of gibberish. →
Chapter 15
Well folks, here's the deal. C'mon, man! My father used to say that 1 Corinthians 15 is about the resurrection of Jesus. Literally, it's about how Jesus's resurrection was the very first of all resurrections. →
Chapter 16
Folks, here's the deal. In 1 Corinthians 16, it's all about donations. Paul is telling folks to give and give generously, not just with money but with time and energy. He says to do it with a cheerful heart, no malarkey! I'm not joking. →