Folks, I'm gonna tell ya, no malarkey, 1 Corinthians 3 is a real eye opener. See here, Jack, Paul is talking about the work of God, and he's telling us that we gotta understand that none of us can claim the credit for it. Literally, my father used to say, "It's not about the tools, it's about the carpenter." I'm not joking. That's what Paul is saying. I tell you what, he's talking about how we all have different roles, but ultimately it's all part of the same building. He's saying that God is the one who provides the foundation, and we just build what he's given us. Or uh, you know, it's like an old saying I heard once, "Don't put the cart before the horse!" It's like that, Jack. What was that? C'mon, man, the point is that it's not about us, it's about God. That's what Paul is saying. No malarkey. Here's the deal, all this building and shaping, it's all part of God's plan, and that's what Paul is driving home here. Excuse me, it's like this, if we don't recognize that, then we're just kidding ourselves. Not gonna happen. So listen, Jack, don't forget, 1 Corinthians 3, it's all about recognizing that God is the one in charge here. That's what Paul is saying.