Folks, I'm tellin' ya, c'mon, man! I'm not jokin' around here - 1 Corinthians 6 is a great chapter of the Bible. Here's the deal - it's all about how we should use our bodies, literally. My father used to say, "Do the right thing and you won't have any problems". Well, that's what this chapter says - we should use our bodies to serve God, not to do sinful things, or uh, you know, live in excess. We should also treat each other right - no malarkey. We should never judge each other harshly and never take each other to court. See here, Jack, what was that? We should instead focus on forgiving each other and showing mercy. Not gonna happen - we should never do anything that would hurt each other or ourselves. I tell ya what - let's all remember that we are all children of God, and let's act like it, excuse me.