Folks, I'm not gonna lie to ya. I tell you what, no malarkey - 1 Corinthians 13 is a beautiful chapter! My father used to say it was one of the most beautiful in the Bible, and I'm not joking. I mean, literally, you can't even put it into words how beautiful it is. Here's the deal, it talks about how love is patient, and love is kind. It's not boastful, doesn't keep a record of wrongs, it doesn't rejoice in injustice - see here, Jack, that's a concept that's been around for centuries. I mean, what was that? Love is never, ever gonna fail. Or uh, you know, it'll never end. C'mon, man, it's a great chapter. Listen, Jack, it's no exaggeration to say that it's like the cornerstone of the Bible - not gonna happen that it's forgotten. Excuse me, but I think it's worth a read.