Folks, let me tell you, 1 Corinthians is a real humdinger of a chapter. Here's the deal: Paul starts off by talking about how the church in Corinth is really something special, and I'm not joking, my father used to say that God works in mysterious ways. C'mon, man, they got some real spiritual gifts in Corinth, and I tell you what, they're the envy of the whole region. See here, Jack, they got faith and knowledge and all kinds of spiritual gifts, but Paul's telling them not to be too proud of it, 'cause it's all coming from God. And then he starts talking about divisions in the church and how that's not what God wants. I mean, literally, these people are fighting over who's following Paul, who's following Apollos, and what was that, who's following Peter? Not gonna happen, Paul says. He wants them to all come together and be of the same mind. Now, excuse me, that's not an easy thing to do, even for us today, but Paul's saying that's what God wants, and that's what he's preaching. So, Corinth, listen up: no malarkey here. We gotta come together, and we gotta keep the faith. That's what my father used to say.