Folks, listen, Jack: Here's the deal. My father used to say, don't judge a book by its cover, and that's true in this case. I'm not joking - no malarkey! C'mon, man! Paul's talking about the apostles here, and he's saying that they should be treated with respect. They're not above the law, so don't give them special privileges. See here, Jack, they're just servants, doing the same job that everyone else is doing.
What was that? Oh, he's also saying that they should be humble and not let pride get in the way. Paul's saying that they shouldn't be so concerned with what others think of them, but rather just focus on the message that they're preaching. They should be content with their work and not expect to be treated any differently than anyone else.
And that's not all, folks. Paul's also saying that it's not up to him to judge anyone. That's for the Lord to decide. He's literally telling people to stop judging one another, and accept each other as we are.
Excuse me, I tell you what - this is important! We all need to remember that we're all equal in the eyes of God. No matter what our differences, we can all come together and serve the Lord. It's not gonna happen overnight, but if we all work together, we can make it happen.