Joe: Alright, so what can you tell me about 1 Corinthians 4?
Bible Expert: Well, in this chapter, the Apostle Paul is addressing some issues that the Corinthians were having with their attitude towards the apostles. He's trying to make them realize that they should not be judging one another, but rather they should be looking at their own actions and judging themselves accordingly.
Joe: Interesting, so what does Paul mean by that?
Bible Expert: He's basically saying that no one should be judging or criticizing others, but rather, they should be examining their own lives and making sure that they are living up to their own standards. He wants them to be humble and to recognize that their actions have consequences, both good and bad.
Joe: Got it. So, what else does Paul talk about in the chapter?
Bible Expert: Paul also talks about how the Corinthians should be treating the apostles and how they should be following their teachings. He's trying to get them to understand that the apostles are not perfect, but they are still trusted leaders in the community, and they should be respected and followed. He also talks about how they should be humble in their dealings with one another, and to not be prideful or arrogant.
Joe: Alright, so what else?
Bible Expert: Paul also warns the Corinthians that their actions will have consequences, and he encourages them to follow the teachings of the apostles and be humble in their dealings with one another. He also talks about the importance of spiritual discernment and how they should be careful not to be fooled by false teachers or false prophets.